Thursday, March 31, 2005


Visualising A Dream in 2025!-The Powers Should Be

The inside out of a dream at nightmares please!!
1. The spectrum of consulting services manifolded to the extent like..whom i should marry? how to win the elections? how to tackle disaster management? how to save the greenfield?....owo...sounds amazing...i wish it would happen
2. No MC, BCG or BOOZ ALLEN...small firms dominating at top..i am wondering whether thats feasible?
3. Aliens strikes on earth..yo....more insurance for AIG and the way where LIC will stand? I hope it will get a place
4.Yup..Tesla's mommy arrived..two big green eyes..scary face..lots of bandages the way whats the hell is that? Nuthin much...thats ghost of more Sarbanes Oxley..
5. Services streamlined..Indian food chain..Bidi...Huh!! they are much bigger than Mcdonald or Pepsi..will they get a chance..Excuse me excise duty on them for gods shake!!
6. Many global headquarters shifted to India..the next powerhouse..will uncle sam allow? pause... Let Uncle Govind relax the so called pradigm of FEMA & brothers.. don't run to them with some red tapes to cut the ice with bureaucrats.
7. New Delhi..the power center for problem man..i will enjoy in Safdarjung..wishful employers should abandon the clement weather in Bangalore..will they? Dont know man..Mallya has to answer after intoxicating Bangaloreans with draught beer!!
Deja Vu!! Get back to's not midday dream..2.40 a.m.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Consultant’s Profile-Robert Mccullay, Aggression, Provocation,Dedication, Reformist. ALL IN ONE!!!!!!!!

There will be hardly anyone illustrious like Robert Mccullay, born in small town in Lockport (IL) a downtown of Chicago, to a farmer made his intentions very clear from the age of 18 when he changed sewage systems of his small city!!! The born consultant got a degree from Newport (After four unsuccessful attempts!!) and graduated his skills in Arthur D Little where he was rejected at campus attributed to his poor academic records. Known for his sarcastic comments he started his career in strategic planning and devised the reforms of so called social security systems in Wisconsin. Rest is history. Arthur D Little to Mercer to Bain and Company. He was involved with Larry Ellison to create a software giant called Oracle. He was lethal and ready to attack none other than the tiger!! Needless to say Mr. Gates. History repeated once again!! His aggressiveness and rudimentary approach finally landed him up in one of the most bizarre exit in corporate history. The giant stepped out from the full meeting of Oracle in 1998 in front of none other than his co-founder friend Larry. The tiger was down; but certainly not out. 2003 gives another opportunity to strike at his colonial friend Paul Sarbanes. His skills and presentation were so acumen even younger Bush and his courtier found very difficult to counter punch the massive explosion. The infamous but lethal attack went to cold storage in the wake of horrible memory of Andersen and Enron.

Friday, March 18, 2005


History of Consulting Unit- Arthur D Little, the company who created consulting yet never named it!!

1886Arthur Dehon Little and Roger Griffin form first consulting firm devoted to improving processes and products

1909Arthur D. Little is incorporated as the world's first company seeking to apply technology to industrial growth

1911Organized first R&D lab for GM

1949Pioneered application of operations research (developed during World War II) to industrial problem.

1951Projects with Johnson & Johnson and General Electric led to the development of modern logistics management

It all started with an MIT professor who though that his research could help the firms he was studying. Frankly, ADL grew out of a campus (i.e., university) structure. Hence we are principally research-based.

Arthur D. Little Goes To Mars

Arthur D. Little Brings Engineers Out of Retirement to Manufacture Critical Device for 2001 Mars Odyssey Mission
A device designed and built by Arthur D. Little will be one of the critical elements of the NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey mission, which is scheduled to launch on Saturday, April 7.
One of the unsung standard bearers of the space age, the highly sophisticated ``passive radiative cooler'' has been customized for use in 27 prior space launches. Although a version of the device has been to space many times, this is the first time it will go to Mars.
The design of the passive radiative cooler is so complex that Arthur D. Little brought two engineers with the specialized expertise in the technology out of retirement to assist with the project. The cooler the team built for this launch is the largest ADL has ever designed, with an 18-inch outer diameter and the greatest cooling capacity.
``We are pleased to continue our long history of providing technology and consulting expertise to NASA space missions, first to the moon and now to Mars,'' said Pamela McNamara, acting CEO for Arthur D. Little. ``This project is a prime example of how ADL draws on its years of valued and proven experience to develop the most advanced innovations for our partners.''
The device is an essential component of the Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS), a primary instrument on the mission that will search for water and other potential signs of life on Mars and map the distribution of about 20 chemical elements across the planet's surface. The cooler keeps the operating temperature of the GRS stable by radiating heat away from the device's delicate sensors and electronic components and conveying it into deep space. As a result, the GPS is able to function properly and take accurate measurements in space.
2001 Mars Odyssey is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. The Odyssey is scheduled for arrival at Mars in October 24, 2001 and the primary mission will take place January 2002 through July 2004.
The cooler is a complex and delicate assembly consisting of five primary parts and more than 60 total parts made primarily of titanium and a rare alloy of magnesium. As part of the preparation, the development team conducted comprehensive structural analysis of the cooling device to ensure it would survive the shock and vibrations of launch.
Many of the passive radiative coolers Arthur D. Little has built have been used for military weather satellite systems. Others were used in a Transient Gamma Ray Spectrometer, launched in 1994 as part of the WIND mission to investigate Gamma Ray Bursts and Solar Flares.
Arthur D. Little has done extensive work for NASA over the past four decades. In 1969, the first Apollo mission to the moon included five key experiments designed and developed by Arthur D. Little.

Arthur D. Little is the world's premier consulting firm working at the interface of business and the technologies that drive innovation and growth. Drawing on its unique blend of knowledge and hands-on experience across global industries, the firm collaborates with its clients to develop significant breakthroughs in practices, products, and processes that lead to dramatic growth and the creation of new value.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Top 25 Consultants of 2004!----Finally Bower's boys dethroned!!!!!

A survey by Top Consulting Magazine

This is the survey conducted by the most prestigious consulting magazine. Unlike other years,2004 is a surprise. Top 25 belongs to either below ranked consulting firms or non-rankers. The supremacy of top 5 is dented by large extent. Is it a time to warn them? "says Ron Daniel-former Mckinsey head. Perhaps Mckinsey is more beiliving in recruting academicians rather than consultants". It appeared at 24 where as BCG is 25, pathetic display as per the magazine.

Although top 5 consulting firms are as strong as ever but as a unit, individual brilliancy has taken a back seat. William Green analyses as its not a bad trend for either-
1. There may be too many brilliants in Mc,BCG, individual gets an oppurtunity to hit dias. Smaller firms still runs by individual brilliancy.
2.The negative side may be loyalty of Mc employees has gone down with brand tag, they are more egoistic now.
3.As usual first generation enterpreneurs shine, many of the small consulting firms are run by ex top 5 consulting guys. If Bill Bain came out of BCG and created his history why not others!
4.Time for introspective for top 5 as they are no more driven by their legends, if Mckinsey has produced the highest individual wizards its time for others to shine!

Whatever may be the reason.....the bottomline remains one and only one-------

BOWER'S boys dethroned-may be he never dreamt of that...sorry emperor

But nobody will match you at any point of time

Thursday, March 10, 2005


History of Consulting Unit-A Consulting temple called Mckinsey & Co.

The undisputed king of consulting, they reached catastrophic heights and stunningly they never fell from that. Considered as temple to corporates, known for their outstanding end to end solutions, undoubtedly the biggest and premier consulting firm of the world. Laid by James O Mckinsey and groomed by emperor Bower produced array of giants and wizards. They still continue at No.1. This hot spot they never lost in last 32 years!! There is no appropriate word to describe for meteoritic rise of this consulting behemoth. Known as the best place to work for, it has become a dream for aspirants. Here one aspirant says: “Hands down, the most selectively elite firm in the field and possibly across any given industry. The lore is that they accept less than 1% of their 50,000 annual applicants. However, they pride themselves on their diversity, so if you have an advanced professional degree or if you've spent the past few years working in Nepal for a mountain climbing Web start-up, you may have an edge at landing an interview.”
Here is the story about Mckinsey’s consultants: The true measure of success of a consulting firm is its ability to help clients solve difficult problems. Sometimes this happens because consultants legitimize certain viewpoints within a firm because of their "blue chip" backgrounds and ability to persuade. But more often this happens because consultants bring the right ideas to bear on a company's problems. Consulting is unique in the field of business because it is driven by ideas. The essential act of any consultant is thought. And thought is driven by understanding of the factors which lead to success in particular industries and stages of a company's life cycle. Of course, consultants increasingly assist in the implementation of their recommendations, but this assistance mainly comes in the form of education, change management activities and follow-up rather than as the primary service being provided. The process of thinking about client problems is what sets consultants apart from each other. Different individuals and firms apply very different frameworks, or intellectual lenses, to the same problems. There is enormous diversity in the way consultants think, and to a large extent, the results that they obtain. This is why there is such a high premium in the labor market for consultants with an exceptional ability to think, create and communicate. Firms are anxious to hire the best and the brightest because the marketplace rewards them for doing so. The process of solving a client problem starts with framing the problem, followed by diagnosis of its cause, followed by formulation of solutions. Finally, a consultant will assist in the adoption of a solution, providing specialized know-how and talent that is not otherwise available to the client. Each stage of this process requires thought and understanding. The very best consultants probably add the most value in the framing and diagnosis stages. Don Sull, a professor of strategic management at London Business School, has consulted for a variety of firms over the years including Cambria and McKinsey. He argues that the best consultant he ever encountered was distinguished by his ability to look at a very wide and unclear set of facts about a client, quickly suggest a few diagnostic surveys, discussions or tests and then arrive at a conclusion about the root problem. The very best consultants are original and incisive thinkers who can quickly bridge the gap between theories, frameworks and a company's profitability. And Mckinsey have all this!!!! Believe it or not..


Consultant’s Profile-Edwin E Booz, Candle borns out long before-your legend never will

After Marvin Bower, he is hailed as the second greatest consultant of the world. In 1914 he formed Booze Allen Hamilton, the world’s fourth largest Management Consulting firm in the world. The firm is contributed so much by Edwin hardly anyone would make such a huge sacrifice for the profession. He remained low profile as usual, never bandwagon his amazing achievements. But in 1973, Marvin Bower summed up all, quoting Edwin E Booze as the greatest consultant of the world. Felicitation from none other than the emperor!!
In 1914, Edwin Booz had an idea. He believed that companies would be more successful if they could call on someone outside their own organizations for expert, impartial advice. In doing so, he created a new profession — management consulting — and the firm that would bear his name, Booz Allen Hamilton. With more than 16,000 employees on six continents, Booz Allen generates annual sales of $3 billion. In 1932, a Northwestern fraternity brother of Edwin G. Booz called him a 'self-made man who has turned out a good product.' Whether the management consulting services Mr. Booz provided or the firm he founded should be considered the 'product' is irrelevant. The statement was prophetic. Born in Reading, Pennsylvania, to a family of modest means and one of seven sons, Mr. Booz worked his way through prep school, college, and graduate school at many and varied kinds of work—tutor, bookkeeper, draftsman, and 'business investigator.' When Mr. Booz left Northwestern University in 1914 with a bachelor's degree in economics and a master's degree in psychology, he went into business for himself to perform studies and analyses of businesses. He conducted studies and business investigations for clients as varied as the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio; the Canadian Pacific Railroad; Chicago's Union Stockyards and Transit Company; and the Photographers Association of the United States World War I caused a temporary hiatus in his career as an entrepreneur but not in his work as an analyst and solver of business problems. Drafted into the Army as a private to do personnel work in September 1917, he soon rose to the rank of major and worked with the War Department in Washington, D.C., to reorganize and perfect the business methods of its various bureaus. He left the Army in March 1919, ready to turn his business acumen to the service of bankers, manufacturers, advertising agencies, wholesalers, sales managers, publishers, real estate operators, public service cooperations, and other enterprises. Mr. Booz focused on identifying, diagnosing, and recommending solutions to business problems. His client base grew; he expanded his services to include executive recruitment; and he broadened the partnership base of the company so that in 1936, it became Booz, Fry, Allen, & Hamilton, and subsequently, Booz Allen Hamilton. Between the two World Wars, Mr. Booz continued to pursue his vision of dedicated service to businesses. In 1940, he responded to a request from the Secretary of the Navy to help the Navy prepare for war, thus beginning what turned out to be Booz Allen's long-term and continuing service to the Federal Government. Mr. Booz retired partially from the firm in 1946 and died in October 1951.
At that time, the company newsletter published a tribute paid to Ed Booz by one of the staff at an annual conference in 1947. 'I admire his deep sincerity, his high ideals, his uniformity of analysis, his ability to give and to take, his courage, his capacity for absorbing new tools, his burning desire to build soundly, his deep rooted conviction regarding the value of organization, his philosophical grasp of the implication of growth and perpetuation.'


History of Consulting Unit-Bearing Point

The Marvin Bower & Edwin Booze combination really swept accounting firms in 1960’s. They dented their supremacy and changed the consulting from accounting, industrial engineering to single window solution. Situations became worse in 1970’s when lethal combination of Bill Bain and Bruce Henderson slaughtered accounting firms. By 1980’s it appeared once dominant accounting forces will loose their foothold in management consulting. GAO conducted survey, then unprecedented changes starts occurring. BIG 5 accounting firms bring in different professionals; spin off from the parent unit. One of them is Bearing Point (Popularly known as KPMG Consulting.) Although they are dethroned by King Bower, yet they hit back into main foray with new plans, strategic transformation. As per legendary management consultant Edwin E Booze it’s too late!! But Bearing Point still forges ahead, and in hunt always!!
Their history starts in 1897 with the formation of Marwick, Mitchell & Co. In 1911 Marwick, Mitchell & Co. merged with W.B. Peat & Co. to form Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. In 1987 with the formation of KPMG LLP. It’s called as KPMG Consulting. In 1999 Cisco Systems invest 1 US billion and the unit spun off from KPMG LLP. In October 3, 2002 Bearing Point was listed in NASDAQ. Bearing Point provides business consulting, systems integration and managed services to Global 2000 companies, medium-sized businesses, and government organizations. Approximately 16,000 professionals in 39 countries leverage extensive industry and technology domain experience and flexible tools and methodologies to successfully deliver on time and on budget.


Histrory of Consulting Unit-The Boston Consulting Group

The Story of undergraduate and bible sales man who screwed bible theories!!
Bruce D. Hendersen started the management consulting division of the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company called as The Boston Consulting Group in 1963. In those days hardly anybody has courage to look straight in the eyes of Marvin Bower. Hendersen had other plans, he hired young trucks who challenged none other than the king bower.
A former Bible salesman, Henderson had earned an undergraduate degree in engineering from Vanderbilt University before attending Harvard Business School. He left HBS ninety days before graduation to work for Westinghouse Corporation, where he became one of the youngest vice presidents in the company's history. He would leave Westinghouse to head Arthur D. Little's management services unit before accepting an improbable challenge from the CEO of the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company to start a consulting arm for the bank. BCG Style-"A Punch between the eyes"-aggression and provocation BCG begins mailing concise, highly provocative essays designed to stimulate senior management thinking on a range of business issues. Statements that senior business managers would find believable are not supported. Only provocative material is argued. The subject matter is chosen to be deliberately provocative, significant in implication, and relevant to the policy decisions of corporate competition.The pieces would be called Perspectives and over the next four decades they would become the vehicle for thinking that consistently challenged both classic economic theory and current business practice. Bruce Henderson referred to them fondly as "a punch between the eyes." BCG Strategy-Business Process Expertise "Bruce called a staff meeting for a Saturday morning in the fall of 1965. He explained that to survive, much less grow, in a competitive landscape occupied by hundreds of larger and better-known consulting firms, we needed a distinctive identity. He had concluded that we shouldn’t fight the competitive battle as generalists, but should instead stake out a special area of expertise. "He asked what we thought that specialty should be. Many suggestions were offered, but in each case we were able to identify several other firms that already had strong credentials in that particular area. The discussion began to stall. Then Bruce asked a momentous question: ‘What about business strategy?’ I objected: ‘That’s too vague. Most executives won’t know what we’re talking about.’ Bruce replied, ‘That’s the beauty of it. We’ll define it.’" One of BCG's first breakthrough concepts grows out of work for a leading semiconductor manufacturer seeking to better understand the industry's chaotic pricing behavior. It's called the experience curve. It is analogous to the well-established learning curve first documented in war-time airplane production in World War II, but has broader implications. It stipulates that unit costs characteristically go down over time as "experience" (cumulated volume) increases. It would become a conceptual cornerstone in the understanding of both the role market share plays in establishing competitive advantage, and the importance of asset allocation in portfolio management. BCG Saga-"Brinkmanship in Business" Bruce Henderson's first article in the Harvard Business Review, "Brinkmanship in Business," is published. It articulates a game-theory view of business strategy that was often ignored by economists at the time. Thirty years later, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science would write, "Game theory has emerged as a dominant conceptual framework in marketing to analyze the behavior of competing firms in oligopilistic markets characterized by interdependence." BCG Punch-"Moving to Japan" The Boston Company spins off BCG as a separate subsidiary. BCG enters into a joint venture in London called Attwood-Boston Consultants Ltd BCG hires Sandy Moose as its first female consultant "Controlling for Growth in a Multidivision Business" spells out the dangers in an ROI-centered strategy for resource allocation in a company. The core arguments become the foundation of BCG's growth-share matrix BCG publishes Perspectives on Corporate Strategy and Perspectives on Experience. Each comprises essays written by BCG staff BCG publishes "What Makes Japan Grow," marking the beginning of a lengthy strategic focus on Japanese management and manufacturing practices Vital BCG office equipment includes slide rules, desk calculators, and an extremely loud telex machine that enables communication between offices worldwide BCG Strikes Back-Sorry Emperor (Marvin Bower) Under Henderson's leadership, BCG would become a hotbed of radical thinking in the world of business and finance. As his client list grew, Henderson invaded the nation's best business schools, the Harvards and Stanfords of the world. He eclipsed McKinsey as the top recruiter at Harvard, aggressively wooing its best students with high salaries and the chance to make a difference in a cutting-edge firm. He encouraged the brilliant young minds he hired to come up with innovative ideas that would dazzle hardened corporate veterans. Sometimes he seemed dazzled himself by the success of the whole business. "Consulting is the most improbable business on earth," he would say. BCG Communication Style-Telephones!! Each BCG consultant shares a phone line with another consultant To make an outside call, BCG staff have to call the operator and give a charge number before the call is placed Continuing BCG's tradition of addressing public policy issues, Bruce Henderson offers a strong rebuke of America's energy policy in a Perspective titled "To Create An Energy Crisis." The piece is so well received that several energy companies send copies of it to their shareholders and one publishes it as a full-page ad in major newspapers.Bill Bain and others leave BCG to form Bain and Company An energy crisis in Britain brought on by a nationwide coal strike puts all of the United Kingdom, including BCG London, on a three-day workweek. Client meetings are conducted by candlelight on "closed days," with both clients and consultants huddling under blankets to keep warm. BCG-Segmentation Sy Tilles initiates a decade-long focus on customer and business segmentation on behalf of BCG's clients. The result is a unique set of analytical approaches to this emerging strategic discipline. The techniques recognize that different needs among customer groups entail different costs to serve them. The approaches include deaveraging our clients' costs, identifying the needs and economics of particular segments, aligning value propositions with customer needs, and modeling the costs of players serving each segment to identify potential threats and opportunities. The information revolution of the late eighties would add an entirely new dimension to both the impact and capabilities of segmentation. BCG Values-ESOP In a bet on our own future, BCG stock is sold to its employees through an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) as a means of purchasing the company from The Boston Company. It's one of the nation's first ESOPs. In the Perspective "The Rule of Three and Four," Henderson adds to the expanding body of business and market dynamics he's enunciated with the empirical observation: "A stable competitive market never has more than three significant competitors, the largest of which has no more than four times the market share of the smallest." A competitor with less than one-quarter the share of the market leader cannot be effective. BCG Concern-Dumping In a Perspective titled "Dumping" (the predatory trade practice of selling goods or commodities below cost to gain market share), Bruce Henderson outlines the classic liberal case against trade intervention, even in the presence of "aggressive" business practices. BCG-Product Portfolio As product complexities and niche markets become more prevalent, Michael C. Goold writes "Specialization or the Full Product Line," a discussion of the natural conflicts between production scale (which reduces costs) and product proliferation, which increases costs but also (sometimes) adds value. BCG completes its buyout of stock from The Boston Company, five years ahead of schedule For the opening of the Chicago office the first employees sit on the floor to work because chairs are not delivered on time BCG Style-Labour Conflict Continuing a long series of social commentary, Bruce Henderson writes "Adversaries or Partners?," a Perspective that begins: "The Labor wars must end. Hostile confrontation between members of the same organization is a barbaric legacy of the past that we should put behind us. It is a fundamental defect in Western productivity….The Japanese are teaching the West a humiliating object lesson."1983 Highlights & InsightsBCG celebrates its 20th anniversary Bruce Henderson is awarded an honorary doctorate by Babson College Rhodes Scholar Clayton Christensen writes "'Bureaucrat' Need Not be a Dirty Word," for the Wall Street Journal, so endearing himself to The Reagan Administration that he is offered a White House Fellowship BCG- Change Management In an era of change management, Jeanie Duck, an expert in the field of organizational change, writes the Perspective "Let Middle Managers Manage." In it, she presents counterintuitive findings that make a case for the much maligned and downsized middle manager and she reminds CEO's that middle managers are still indispensable for most organizations, even in an age of employee empowerment and flat organizational structures.BCG expands its value management focus through the acquisition of Holt Planning AssociatesMark Blaxill and Tom Hout's "The Fallacy of the Overhead Quick Fix" is published in the Harvard Business Review BCG-Legend is no more George Stalk, Lawrence Shulman, and Philip Evans write "Competing on Capabilities: The New Rules of Corporate Strategy," which is published in the Harvard Business Review. The article introduces the concept of capabilities-based strategy, and extends time-based competition beyond manufacturing and operational effectiveness. The piece describes the sources of competitive advantage at highly successful companies such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot. It also anticipates emerging academic theories known collectively as the "resource-based view of the firm,"Bruce Henderson dies at age 77. "Few people have had as much impact on international business in the second half of the twentieth century as the founder of The Boston Consulting Group," eulogizes the Financial Times BCG-Reengineering As reengineering takes the business world by storm, BCG offers a counterpoint in the form of two Perspectives. In the first, "Reengineering Bumps into Strategy," Jon Isaacs points out that what may have started as a reengineering of order processing might become a "reevaluation of all customer service." At that point, fundamental questions arise that are more strategic than process-focused, and those questions are all too often left unaddressed by process engineers. BCG-Cost Reduction Against a backdrop of cost-cutting at the expense of patient care, Joshua Gray and Peter Lawyer write the Perspective "The Promise of Disease Management." Disease management is described as "an approach to patient care that coordinates resources across the entire health care delivery system and throughout the life cycle of a disease." This systematic approach to the challenge of health care delivery focuses on the patient as the "relevant unit of management." This counteintuitive approach "breaks the compromise" between cost control and quality care and becomes one of BCG's biggest ideas of the decade.Tom Hout and John Carter write "Getting It Done: New Roles For Senior Executives," which is published in the Harvard Business Review In the Perspective "From the Insight Out," Michael Silverstein shares accumulated wisdom about promoting innovative thinking in the customer discovery process. With the emergence of a more demanding breed of consumer, George Stalk, David Pecaut, and Benjamin Burnett write "Breaking Compromises, Breakaway Growth," which appears in the Harvard Business Review. The compromise in the title refers to any tradeoff forced on customers not by the nature of the good or service being delivered, but by the operating constraints faced by a business or industry. A company that finds a way to circumvent those complaints can "break the compromise" and achieve "breakaway growth." BCG-e-commerce Long before the term e-commerce is coined, Philip Evans and Thomas Wurster explore the implications of the information age for corporate strategy in their Harvard Business Review article "Strategy and the New Economics of Information." The piece wins a McKinsey Award and inaugurates a long series of BCG publications on the "deconstruction" of traditional integrated value chains.John Clarkeson becomes chairman of BCG Recognizing unseen opportunities, Larry Shulman writes the Perspective "Capitalizing on Anomalies." It advocates the systematic examination and exploration of outliers in a company's operating statistics. For example, geographic regions in which market share is especially high or low, or product ranges for which operating costs seem to vary significantly from the mean, often hide dramatic insights. The "seeds" of new businesses often lie within these seeming anomalies.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


The Political Wheel

Please come now I think
I'm fallingI'm holding on to all I think is safe
It seems I found the road to nowhere
And I'm trying to escape
I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I'm down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say
Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinkingThat maybe six feet
Ain't so far down

Yeah...thats what BJP is trying to avoid after the huge PC-Union Budget which swept them like tsunami....People might wonder whether Vajpayee started writing like Creed..ummmm..Not a bad idea..cry for a few dollars more......

Aesthetics encounters as what should be the description to the so called taken over patriach of Indian liberalisation who were proudly showing their ill fated "pan parag" mouth over economic rise of India!!!

One big punch, kothari stopped supplying mouth freshener..LOL...they come back to construct temple once again, may be Lord can give USD and Pound Sterling...

Ruling party sucks!! yet hats off two person who can't wear hats, and the man from down south...keep it's your turn!!! are 80+ better go and take rest...your image shines always Mr. AVB..don't let it go..or else the Mr. Jaitley will have no option but to sing..






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